Telephone Counselling
Reasons for Calling
The Frauenkrisentelefon offers counseling for women* in various crisis situations: from general and chronic life problems to emergency situations and suicidal crises.
Crises can have different causes:
- Traumatic events (e.g. rape, domestic violence)
- Change (e.g. breakup, divorce, death of a loved one)
- Development (e.g. separation from family, identity issues)
- Chronic life problems (e.g. psychological illness, addiction, difficult life circumstances)
The type of telephone counseling depends on the caller’s needs:
- Singular crisis intervention
- Repeated, accompanying counselling
- Continuous, long-term counselling
- Receiving information on
- Counseling and therapy centres, self-help groups
- Specific women’s projects
- Continuing education possibilities
- Other projects in different languages
- And more